Collaboration with the Asian American Journalist Association for over 12 years. Currently providing coaching and leadership training for the Executive Leadership Program. The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational and professional organization with more than 1,500 members across the United States and Asia. Since its founding, AAJA has been at the forefront of change in the journalism industry.
The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation is a statewide, private, family foundation that has been a catalyst for positive change in North Carolina for more than 87 years. Headquartered in Winston-Salem, NC, the Foundation has invested more than $600 million into North Carolina. Learn more about the impact of the Foundation's work across the state.
A not-for-profit platform established for the purpose of providing opinion and analysis focused on North Carolina public policy issues. Our writers are moderate progressives who hope to promote thoughtful debate that renounces ideology in favor of dialogue based on facts. Our goal is to provide commentary that minimizes polarization and promotes a collaborative approach to solving public policy problems.
We are certified to administer and faciliate 360 Assessments for Executives, Managers, and Self-Assessment Tools from the Center of Creative Leadership (CCL), a world-renowned leadership organization. Our process includes establishing a baseline and working with clients in the goal setting process that is intended to support our clients towards achieving their goals.
A sponsor of the Lillian Kopenhaver Leadership Center for Women and a Charter Board Member. The Kopenhaver Center is designed to empower both women professionals and academics in all the fields of communication, in order to develop visionaries and leaders who can make a difference in their communities and their profession.

The Global School of Journalism and Communication focuses on providing journalists with a view of the world and the opportunity to work with students from other universities in collaborative projects that builds skills sets and a view of the issues facing the world. Dean DeWayne Wickham is the founder of this school.